Giáo trình Pehal The Start được viết và cố vấn bởi Master Vikrant Rohin, ông sinh ra và lớn lên trong một gia đình quan chức cấp cao của chính phủ ẤN ĐỘ, có cha là quan chức chính phủ và chị gái là giáo sư trong trường đại học, Master Vikrant Rohin đã 8 lần thi qua cuộc thi khó nhất hành tinh UPSC.
Toàn bộ tư duy học toàn diện và logic kiến thức, cung cấp cho chúng ta một nền giáo dục học thật với kiến thức thật, và lấp đầy mọi lỗ hỏng về kiến thức ở bất kì môn học hay sự kiện hay bất kì khía cạnh nào, tạo nên một người có tư duy và kiến thức thực thụ.
Tất cả giáo viên đang giảng dạy tại học viện Pehal The Start đều được thông qua đào tạo toàn diện và nắm được quy tắc này.
Dưới đây là nội dung nền tảng cho các em học sinh tại học viện Pehal The Start khi bắt đầu học ở năm đầu tiên và những năm tiếp theo.
Language, Geography, Math, Society.
Lesson 01: The origin of English
Latin, Hindi, French, Arabic, German,…
Ante, renal, aqua, Guru, Plunder, Mosquito.
Restaurant, soup, television, menu.
Sultan, alcohol, cipher, zero, adobe.
Pronunciation, vocabulary, presentation.
Lesson 02: The continents
Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Australia, Antartica, Africa.
Lesson 03: The United Kingdom
England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Britain.
Celt, Celtic language, Migration.
Lesson 04: Types of word in English
Common words, specific words, technical words.
Building, sofa, bungalow, hen, ox, feces.
Bowel, capital.
Lesson 05: Food time table and meal
Types of meal.
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper.
Abstinence, luncheon, desjunare.
Lesson 06: Mathematics
Who invented zero?
Number, value, shapes.
Aryabhata, Indian, Mathematician.
Natural number, whole number, symbol of math.
Plus, minus, is equal to, less than, more than.
Lesson 07: The division of a country
Territory, province, state, district
City, ubrs, vicinity, town, village, downtown.
Lesson 08: How an English word came into existence
Knight, landlord, sir, commom people.
Lesson 09: Road
Different type of road.
Road in the city, road in the countryside, road in the village.
Street, alley, blind-alley, avenue, thoroughfare, bypassroad
Bitumen road, beeline, by-street.
Lesson 10: The science of noun
What is a noun?
Concrete noun, abstract noun, proper noun, common noun
Collective noun, material noun.
Lesson 11: Verbs
What is a verb?
Main verb, auxiliary verb
Action verb, linking verb
Transitive verb, intransitive verb
He walks, she dances, she sits
I learn, I agree, he kicks the ball.
Lesson 12: Objects
What is an object?
He eats a banana
I love you
He slaps the ball
She drinks coffee.
Lesson 13: On time & In time
Our class will start at 7 AM
You must come to the class on time
On time is the time based on the event.
Lesson 14: a little & little
A small amount of something
A little milk
Can I have a little sugar?
Lesson 15: The shape of the Earth.
Sphere or Geoid?
Pythagoras, Aristole, Erastothenes
Aswan, Alexandria, great thinker, philosopher.
Mathematician, Egypt.
Lesson 16: The Zone of the earth
Equator, Meridian, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Carpricorn.
Temperate zone, Frigid zone, Tropical zone.
Lesson 17: Expidition/ Voyage.
To find the new route to India
European traded with India
Muslim, Islam, Garam masala.
Columbus, Indigenous people, Red Indian, explorer.
John Cabot, navigator, Amerigo Vespucci, the new world.
Americas, Cape of Good Hope, Vascoda Gama, Dias.
Lesson 18: America.
North America, Central America, South America, Middle America, Latin America.
Caribbean Islands, USA, Canada.
Chile, Agentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, Brazil.
Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana.
Population, Landlocked country.
Lesson 19: EUROPE
Glimpse of Europe, Phoenicia, Canaan, Israel, Zeus, Mount of Olympus, Garland
Princess, white bull, Transcontinental countries, Iberian Peninsula, Allemage.
Scandinavia, Beowulf, Vatican, Christianity, Pope, Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant.
Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, the 1st world war, the 2nd world war.
The United Kingdom.
Lesson 20: AFRICA
Dark nation, dark continent, fictional writers, authenticate.
David Livingstone, Joseph Conrad, disease ridden area.
White man’s grave, Malaria, Yellow fever, Swaziland/ Eswatini.
Stanley, G. woodson, Chinua Achebe.
Afri, Afra, Aprica, S.A.D Group, U.N.O, African Union.
Sinai peninsula, Horn of Africa, I.G.A.D Group, ECOWAS Group.
Black market, Refugee, Judiciary, Legislative, Swapping and Swinging.
Lesson 21: ASIA
Akkadians, Mesopotamia, Tigris and Euphrate, Assyria, Akkad, Babilonia.
Civilization, Humankind, Sargon of Akkad, Meluha, Magan, Dilmun.
Hammurabi, Codified the law, Asia Minor, Herodotus.
North Asia, South Asia, West Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, East Asia.
Normad, Tribal people.
Lesson 22: ANTARTICA
Permafrost, Road Amundsen, Antartic treaty, signatories.
Australia, New Zealand, Marsupial, Mount cook, Koala.
States, Territories, Tasmanian.
Colony, Napoleon, Republic, Democracy, Constitution, Tax.
Revolt, Alaska, Hawaii, Mammoth.
Lesson 25: CANADA
Kanata, Nova Scotia, Dominion status, Province, Teritory.
Prince Edward Island, Newfound Land.
Lesson 26: ENGLAND.
Gaul, Allemage, Briton, Albion, Edward 1st, William Wallace
Purnishment, United Kingdom, Britain, Revolt.
Lesson 27: COUNTRY
Patriot, Economic sector, under developed countries, developing countries, developed countries.
Super power countrries, G7, OBOR, USSA, NATO, SEATO AND CENTO.
BRICS, ASEAN, SAARC, Common wealth countries, colonization.
Golden birth, China, Opium, Reich, City State, Rogue nation.
Soft State, Suzerain, Dominium.
Lesson 28: HOUSE
Dwelling, Abode, Habitat.
House in the city, house in the countryside, house in the village.
Urban, Suburban, Edifice, Condominium, tenement, prefab.
Airy house, lake dwelling, cliff dwelling, haunted house…
Lesson 29: FAMILY
Nuclear family, extended family, family circle, maiden aunt.
Biological parents, lawnmower parents, helicopter parents, parent in law, in loco parentis.
Fly the nest, prodigal son, skin and blister.
From birth to blossom, in fancy, rug rat, ankle bitter, love child, bundle of joy.
Roman empire, Greek empire, regime, Zenith, Byzantium, Rome city.
Constantinople, Trade axis, Muslim, Islambul, Sultan, Mediterannean sea.
Western and Eastern Roman empire, dynasty, Holy Roman Empire.
Balkan war, Crimea War, Golden horn, Basillica, Cathedral, Hagia Sophia.
Safavid dynasty, Khalifa, Ottoman Public Debt Administration, Mornachy.
Triumvirate, three pasha.
Nội dung liên quan tới: Game/ Sport (Văn hoá thể thao), Lịch sử thế giới (World History), tôn giáo (Religions) , y học cổ đại (Ancient Medical System) , y học hiện đại (Modern Medical system).
Society (Xã hội học), Mythology (Thần thoại học), Mysteries (Huyền bí học).
Financial (Tài chính), Astrology (Chiêm tinh học), Numberology (Thần số học).
Teacher: Minh Thư
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- Khai giảng 18/3/2022
- Thời gian: 19h - 20h30 thứ 2 ,4 6.